Friday, February 8, 2013

Challenge: BE a Proverbs 31 Woman

31 Day Challenge: Be a Proverbs 31 Woman

God recently laid on my heart to begin confessing and personalizing Proverbs 31: 10-31. Well, I have to admit that I'd completely forgotten that He spoke this to me. It wasn't until the other day when I reached out to a sister in Christ to pray for me in an area that I had been struggling with that I was reminded of His instruction. Her response to my request was simple, yet heavy, she said "You are ALREADY that woman (paraphrased). Just begin to walk in it". She then advised me to declare and decree Proverbs 31.
That rocked me to my core! 
I am ALREADY that woman!?!?
(It was one of those things that I knew, but hadn't really received)
And did you see what God did there??? 
God will gently remind His children!

So, everyday since that day, I have been personalizing and confessing Proverbs 31:10-31 over my life. I have been decreeing that I already am who God has created me to be. No matter what it looks or feels like!