Monday, November 11, 2013

God, you love me like this?

This morning, after dropping my youngest off at daycare, I got back in my car, turned back onto the main road and began to focus my thoughts on the Father. This has become somewhat of a ritual as I do this almost every weekday during my commute to work. The car, for a couple years now, has been my place of solitude with the Father. It has become my main prayer closet. I am a wife and a mother of three young children and we live busy lives at times. The car simply became the perfect place for me to enjoy consistent intimate time with my Daddy in prayer. :)

I usually begin by focusing my attention towards the beauty of the sky, as this helps me enter into worship. But today, no words immediately came to my lips. I was lost in thoughts of His Greatness. As I marveled in silence, I was amazed at His love for little ole' me. I am always amazed. Over and over again I am simply amazed that He loves me.  How a God so big, so majestic, so full of Goodness and Glory, could love each and every one of us individually. He actually came down from Heaven, limited Himself, walked with us, talked with us, ate and slept with us, then died a gruesome death for us, because He loves us! We are as little specks compared to His greatness! As little ants in His eyesight! Yet, He has numbered the very hairs on our heads and knew us before we were ever formed in our mother's wombs! Selah!

As I continued to travel in awe for a few minutes, His loving presence began to softly saturate me. I traveled further down the road and began to take notice of the houses as I passed them by. My eyes rested on the yards filled with beautiful fall leaves. Hundreds, if not thousands of leaves littered the yards. As I glanced at the leaves I began to hear the Lord speak to me saying,  "Just as you see the leaves scattered over the land is how I see my people scattered over the Earth. All of different shapes and colors, no two just a like. They are being tossed to and fro, not knowing where they will end up. Yet, every single one of you is important to me. I am the Leaf Collector. Collecting is my Profession. Only, I do not rake you up into a pile and throw you into a bag to be disposed of like the leaf collectors that you are familiar with. No, I care for each and every one of you just as a baseball card or a coin collector cares for each card and coin- delicately and individually- as if each were worth a fortune...because you are worth a fortune."

As He spoke, I had a vision of a man, dressed as a gardener, picking up leaves off the ground, one by one. He would gently clean them off, inspect them and place them in beautiful glass containers. Each one had its own personal container. I believe this signified that each one received it's own personal attention from the gardener. I could see the joy on this man's face as he tended to his leaves. I could feel the love he had for each one of his leaves.

You may be saying, "Ok Lakeshia, You've lost me now. You are sounding a little crazy comparing us to leaves. What are leaves?"  But just as leaves seem unimportant to us, some of us believe that because God is so big, we are unimportant to Him.
Even David said in Psalms 8:3-4,
"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, 
What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?"

We are important to God. He desires to be involved in every single part of our lives. Not for what we can give Him, but because of what He can give us.

If you've had trouble receiving the Fathers love, I encourage you to make a decision today to yield your mind over to Him. There could be years and years of incorrect thinking residing in your mind concerning what true love is. After years of being saved, I only recently began to grasp His true love. It was not until I caught the revelation of Him as my Father, not just as my God. I began to intentionally call Him "Abba" during my prayer times. This helped me to start seeing Him as my Father, which in turn opened up the door for me to receive His Love. Our relationship went from being impersonal to intimate.

God is not like man. Don't make the mistake of comparing His love to the distorted love of man. Ask Him to open your spiritual eyes and began to reveal the depth of HIS love for you, because He loves you more than you know. :-)

Thanks for reading!

*You can also find my posts at 

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