This morning, after dropping my youngest off at daycare, I got back
in my car, turned back onto the main road and began to focus my thoughts
on the Father. This has become somewhat of a ritual as I do this almost
every weekday during my commute to work. The car, for a couple years
now, has been my place of solitude with the Father. It has become my
main prayer closet. I am a wife and a mother of three young children and
we live busy lives at times. The car simply became the perfect place
for me to enjoy consistent intimate time with my Daddy in prayer. :)
usually begin by focusing my attention towards the beauty of the sky,
as this helps me enter into worship. But today, no words immediately
came to my lips. I was lost in thoughts of His Greatness. As I marveled
in silence, I was amazed at His love for little ole' me. I am always
amazed. Over and over again I am simply amazed that He loves me. How a
God so big, so majestic, so full of Goodness and Glory, could love each
and every one of us individually. He actually came down from Heaven,
limited Himself, walked with us, talked with us, ate and slept with us,
then died a gruesome death for us, because He loves us! We are as little
specks compared to His greatness! As little ants in His eyesight! Yet,
He has numbered the very hairs on our heads and knew us before we were
ever formed in our mother's wombs! Selah!