Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Scale: Friend or Foe?

This is one of many fitness related topics that I have been eager to write about for a while. I thought this would be a great time because so many people, especially women, are trying to shed those extra pounds as the new year just hit and spring/summer will be rolling around before we know it.

Now, I am NO expert, and do not claim to be, but I read A LOT. I do my research. I ask dozens of questions of experts that I have come to know AND I have been living by everything that I am going to share with you. I also have a long list of resources below that you can read when you have some free time.
You can read a little bit about my journey here and learn more about why I desire to share this information with you.

So, let's get to the scale. Can it really be trusted? The answer: Not really.

I like to call the scale a two-faced liar.
One day it's your best friend, whispering sweet losses in your ear.
The next day it breaks your heart and makes you cry!
Why should we trust something that treats us this way?

Don’t get me wrong, the scale can be a great tool when used correctly and with wisdom. But when used incorrectly, and ignorantly, it can sabotage all of our efforts and put us in a mental place of defeat that is hard to escape from.

The scale is one of many ways to measure progress. It should not be used as your only measure of progress. I rarely use it at all anymore. The scale simply cannot tell you everything that is going on with your body.

I work out hard, I’m slowing replacing unhealthy foods with healthier selections, and I am seeing results, even if they don't show up on the scale. 

Are they quick results? Some have been quick, but most have been gradual, because slow and steady is what wins the race.  Remember the Tortoise and the Haire?

Ok, so now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go over some points to consider when dealing with the scale.

One. Our physical bodies are just as important as our spiritual bodies. We must handle our bodies with care.  

1 Corinthians 6:19-20  Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own, You were bought with a price [purchased with a [a]preciousness and paid for, [b]made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body. 

This would fit better in a different topic, but I can't go on with out saying this. If you are on a low calorie diet for weight loss, please consider what you are doing to your body. Our spiritual bodies cannot “survive” on very little food, neither should our physical bodies and we definitely shouldn’t try to force it to (and destroy our metabolism in the process).  If we would simply make wiser, healthier food choices, we will find that we can eat plenty and still achieve the body that we desire! (Again, I am saving more info about this for a future post.) So what does this have to do with the scale? Torturing our bodies makes the scale go even more wacky. 

Two. Ditch the deadlines and the “goal weight”. 
Although setting goals is awesome, giving ourselves deadlines and setting goal weights has the potential to rob us of the joy and satisfaction we receive when we make progress. Setting dates can stress you out and hold you back, especially if they are only weight loss related, not taking into account overall progress.

Say you have said, “I want to be down 5 lbs in four weeks.” Ok, it’s week four and it’s weigh in time. Drum roll please….scale says you've lost 3 lbs. But are you going to celebrate that 3 lb. success?

Unlikely, because you’ll be too busy pouting over the fact that you didn’t hit your goal by your set date.


Three. Weight loss is good. FAT loss is Great.  
Same thing?  Nope-Major difference. Weight fluctuates daily. There are several factors that come into play when your talking about weight, such as stomach contents, water loss/retention, muscle and tissue.
Remember that 3 lbs. that you lost above? Yea, well on the scale you don't really know what that 3 lbs. consists of. Some of that may be fat, some maybe be precious muscle. Fat on the other hand equals just that, fat. I'll take fat to go please!

Four. If you have become obsessed with the scale, destroy it.
Yep, I said it. Nothing should have that much control over us. If you have developed an unhealthy relationship with the scale by getting depressed, obsessed, weighing yourself multiple times a day, freaking out when the number is up a bit, starving yourself because your weight isn’t moving, or going to any other extreme, you need to get rid of the scale…NOW…PERIOD.

At least until you gain some control and learn to not weigh so heavy on the scale (pun intended).

Find more reliable ways to check your progress like measuring tape, progress pictures and the way your clothes fit. 

Five. Most importantly, learn to love your body at every stage of the process. 

Psalm 139:14 You are fearfully and wonderfully made! God's works are Wonderful!

Find areas of your body that you love and focus on those, the rest will follow. My stomach still has a long way to go, but I love the progress that I am seeing in other areas. I've learned not to sit and sulk about what may be taking a while, my focus in on overall improvement in nutrition and fitness. This is a lifestyle, not a season. God gives us Peace and Patience and the Bible instructs us to be anxious for nothing. Phillipians 4:6

If you are eating right (more whole foods, less processed), exercising regularly and getting enough rest, change IS happening. No matter what the scale says!

Now if for some reason you are doing all of these things (for at least a few weeks) but your not seeing any progress on the scale, in the mirror or in how your clothes fit, then yes, it may be time to reevaluate, find out what may be wrong and makes some changes.


Above is my last ditch effort to make you a believer that the scale can and will “LIE”. She weighs more on the right than she does on the left. But she is much leaner (and looks a lot better) on the right than on the left. How can this be? She has gained some lean muscle mass and blasted some body fat. THIS is why your focus should be on FAT loss and not solely on weight loss.
Thanks for reading!


Disclaimer: Some of these bloggers use language that I do not agree with.

Three Reasons to Reconsider Stepping on the Scale this Morning
Note: I came across the post AFTER I typed my post. A lot of what he says sounds almost identical to what I just said.

Why Your Scale Can't Be Trusted

Stop Weighing on the Scale for Weight Loss
Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss, Are You Sure You're Losing Fat?
Note: This is the best straight-to-the-point article explaining the difference between weight loss and fat loss ever written. My opinion of course :) 

Eat More 2 Weigh Less Website
Note: This one is last, but it's definitely not least. I saved it because it's not a link to just one article. Everything on this site is great stuff. I met the creators of this site on My Fitness Pal and I credit these two ladies for helping me see the light and stop starving myself. They are both Christian wives and mothers that give of themselves to help other women (and men) and they ask for nothing in return.

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